Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Sambhali & "Biggest ever, Baby and Smart Kid Show", September 2009

Few Days ago Dr. Ms. Prerna Job Director and Founder of Good Shepherd School came to me with a friend of mine , introducing the city's Biggest ever, Baby and Smart Kid show for 0 to 6 years of age, about 180Kids participated in the show.
With Johnson and Johnson and Cadbury chocloate giving gift hampers, the Sambhali Trust was requested to help fainancialy for the welfare of Mothers and their children, after thinking a lot about our resources and capabilities , we sponsored them with a little bit on the Advertisement materials.
The show was to build the self-esteem and confidence of the children and to provide their mothers a stage to speak about their babies and children. It was amazing, Most of the mothers were on the stage for the first time, they were very emotional, shy about their thoughts and some were confident to speak about their children/Babies.
Mother's with their Babies
Little Children
the Healthiest Baby ;)
Chief Guest of the Show, Ms.Smita Mohla, she is a leading actress of the Television in India, there is a show on child marriage called Balika Vadhu(the girld child Bride) she is playing the sweetest Mother in law of the little girl, she is loved by everyone and a dream mother in law for the Indian women.children performing traditional dance
Pannel of Judges

One round of fashion show for some Local Designer

little children of Good Shepherd School

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